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Electronic Network Consortium (or ENC) was originally established in 1985 as Videotex Promotion Association of Japan. The association was renamed Electronic Network Forum in 1988 and Electronic Network Consotium in 1992 to follow up the rapidly changing networking world.
It is a trade organization run by the New Media Development Association, an auxiliary organization of Ministry of International Trade and Industry. To date 93 organizations are members of the ENC including most of major online service providers in Japan.
ENC exists to solve problems which network service providers encounter to when they operate network services. Activities provided by the ENC include: discussion with Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) on royalties of music copyrights in online services; ethical guideline for running online services and recommended etiquette for online service users; survey reports of online service statistics in Japan.
Member list
Press releases
- Privacy Information Management System P3P is now available on the Internet
- Development and Operation of the Next-Generation Rating/Filtering System on the Internet
- Guidelines For Protecting Personal Data (Press Release)
- Guidelines For Protecting Personal Data (Revised)
- Operation of the first PICS compliant label bureau in Japan
- Validation Test of the First Electronic Authentication System on the Internet in Japan
- Creation of the first PICS compliant label bureau in Japan
- Initiative to promote the provision and the dissemination of Internet blocking capabilities
- General Ethical Guideline for Running Online Services
- Recommended Etiquette for Online Service Users
e-mail address enc@nmda.or.jp